Thursday, August 10, 2006

There is more than one of me...

Looking into eyes full of pain
I see how broken you are
Gaping wounds you hide so well
Smiling and laughing no one understands
I see the tears you blink away
I noticed what nobody else did
Holding yourself together
Just barely hanging by a string
Deep breath now
Smile back in place
Nobody notices the pain
Turning from the mirror
I face the world

This was written by a friend of mine Lisa L. and when I read it I was blown away. For just a few days before she wrote this, I had written something very similar. I told Lisa that I felt like she was looking right through my wall, and could see what was really going on inside, and that is very scary to me. To think that someone really knows what goes on in my head and can relate to it, makes me want to cry. I feel sad that there is this much hurt in the world. I wish that I could make it all end for everyone. Alas, I can not! I can't even make my own go away.

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